Download the latest rhapsody source here. Only the
source tarball is available. No binary distributions are scheduled to be
released at this time.
Rhapsody IRC Beta 0.28b.
The project page is located at www.sourceforge.net/projects/rhapsody.
There, you will be able to find previous releases, project information, help
forums and other useful stuff.
For installation instructions and basic
troubleshooting, look at the Installation section below.
Installation is simple. Extract the contents of the tar archive, go into the extracted directory, run
./configure, then run make to compile the program. Finally you
can run make install
to install the program and the included help files. The installation
part is optional. Rhapsody can be run from the directory where it is
The following commands will untar, configure, compile and install rhapsody.
Below, the x and yy represent the version number so substitute these when
typing the commands.
tar zxvf rhapsody_x.yy.tgz
or if your tar does not support the z flag you can use:
gunzip rhapsody_x.yy.tgz
tar xvf rhapsody_x.yy.tar
Now, in the current path, you should see a newly created directory. Change
to the directory and compile the source code.
cd rhapsody-x.yy
make clean
make install (optional)
Running configure as root sets the default installation path to
/usr/local/bin. Otherwise the install path will be in your home
directory. Keep an eye on the output of configure to see where the
files will actually be installed. If you are unhappy with the
installation path, you can always overwrite it by running configure
with the –i option.
That's it! Enjoy!
Unix OS
Any unix operating system should do. Running configure will set up the compilation defaults for your
OS. So far this has been tested and should work on:
Linux (various flavors)
Mac OS X (Darwin)
If the compilation fails on your OS for whatever reason, it's likely
that your system doesn’t have one or more of the required components,
rhapsody has not yet been tested in your environment, or that you have
some non-standard setup that prevents configure from finding the
compilers or some of the libraries. Here's what is required:
C Compiler
You'll need either gcc, which is preferred, or cc, the standard compiler that comes with OSes like Solaris and IRIX.
Ncurses Library and Header Files
The program requires the ncurses library version 5.1 or later. You WILL
run into problems with earlier versions of ncurses. Ncurses can be
found at http://www.gnu.org/software/ncurses/
Socket and NSL Libraries
Depending on the OS, this may or may not be required for compilation. Linux,
BSD, IRIX do not require these libraries, Solaris on the other hand does.
Compilation and Installation Problems
1. Error: screen.c: ncurses.h: No such file or directory
This occurs when the compiler isn’t able to find the ncurses.h header
file and the configure script wasn’t able to provide its location. If
you encounter the above error during compilation make sure that you
have the ncurses library version 5.1 or newer installed. Ncurses can be
found at http://www.gnu.org/software/ncurses/. If ncurses is installed
on your computer, and you know where the ncurses.h header file is
located, run configure once again with the –h option and supply the
location of the file. For example, if the file is ncurses.h is located
in /usr/lib/include, run configure with the following parameters:
./configure -h /usr/lib/include
Now run make clean and then make. The program should now compile.
If you do not know where the file is, a search using find should be able to locate it. Simply run the following command:
find / -name ncurses.h
This will return a list of all files with the filename ncurses. Pick
one of the returned files and pass its path, excluding the filename, to
the configure script as shown above. Run make clean and make. If multiple files are
returned in the search and you are getting an excessive number of
warnings during compilation, try picking another file from the
2. Error: ld: cannot find –lncurses
This error occurs if the linker cannot find the ncurses library file,
libncurses.*. This problem can easily be corrected by specifying the
path of the library with the –l option in configure. For instance, if
the library file is located in /usr/lib, run configure with the
following parameters:
./configure –l /usr/lib
You can find the missing library file with the following search command:
find / -name libncurses.\*
Make sure that you only include the path and exclude the filenames of
the found files when passing the information to configure. If multiple
libraries from different directories were returned in the above search,
and the program doesn’t link, try picking another path from the
returned list.
3. Error: undefined reference to `assume_default_colors'
This error occurs when compiling with an outdated
version of ncurses. You must have curses 5.1 or later to compile rhapsody.
See above on where to get an updated version of ncurses.
4. Other Miscellaneous Errors
Sometimes, the compilation may fail because the compiler environment has not been configured correctly. In these cases it may be necessary to
force the use of the native OS compiler. Do this by running configure with the following option:
./configure -c cc
Runtime Problems
1. Error: ld.so.1: ./rhapsody: fatal: libncurses.so.5: open failed: No such file or directory
This error occurs when the runtime linker isn’t able to locate the
ncurses library, in this case libncurses.so.5. To correct the problem,
you need to pass the path of the missing file to the runtime linker via
the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. Do this as follows:
In sh, ksh and bash type:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<library-path>
In csh and tcsh type:
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH <library-path>
Use the following find command if the location of the library is unknown:
find / -name libncurses.so\*
Take the returned path and set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable as shown above.